adj: conclusive, ultimate; the only remaining 

“Keep your guard up. You’re not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It’s the same with Christians all over the world. So keep a firm grip on the faith. The suffering won’t last forever. It won’t be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ–eternal and glorious plans they are!–will have you put together and on your feet for good. He gets the last word; yes, he does.” 1 Peter 5:9-11

There’s so much to say after a year like this, and nothing left to say at the same time.

But what really matters every single day, every single year, is what God has to say.

When I started writing “one word” at a time, it was partly because I was overwhelmed (in a mostly-good way) with the Bible. Focusing on one word at a time helped me to understand more clearly how deep and rich God’s message to us really is. But in a very personal way, as I dug in to the words he wrote and spoke, I began to understand a bit more about how Jesus speaks specifically to me.

Right here in the middle of my ordinary life.

Right now, no matter how I feel or what I think.

When I read through the whole Bible this past summer, the words were challenging and comforting for sure. Promises of his faithful protection and merciful love for us. Promises of peace that passes understanding, forgiveness for our sins, and eternal life with him.

But these things that can seem sort of obscure sometimes are not just nice-sounding, feel-better, maybe-someday ideas.

Because Jesus is offering them to us in very real ways right now.

The breath of his peace in the scariest, loneliest times.

The warmth of his joy in the dark days of heartache and grief.

The freedom of his forgiveness and redemption and grace as we live meaningful, purposeful lives.

The cover of his protection and care no matter where we go.

The vibrancy of his Spirit living inside us, perfectly and precisely giving us the power and wisdom and strength that we need to live for him.

The relief of being known completely, delighted in by the very One who so carefully and uniquely created us. Immensely treasured, warmly welcomed, and deeply loved.  

There are so many voices in this world. Opinions and information constantly bombard us, adding to the thoughts swirling wildly in our own heads. When the news is finally turned off and the phone is charging for the night, the Word of God is still as alive and applicable to us as it was to Abraham, to Moses, to Esther, to David, to Mary and Martha, to John and Peter and Thomas, and to Paul.

Let’s give Jesus the last word in every part of our lives.

“This is God’s generous truth; embrace it with both arms!” 1 Peter 5:12

Invite Him In

Ask Jesus to give you a word or a verse or a book of the Bible for the new year. He has so much goodness to reveal to you right now as you focus on his words of life and love. Let him show you how his words can come alive and speak exactly to you as you walk through this day, this week, and this year ahead.