adj: existing in fact; actual, genuine, established, certain 

“Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious–the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.” Philippians 4:8

Things that conform to a standard or pattern.

Things legitimate and consistent.

Things ideal, essential, and steadfast.

Those are some of the ways that truth is defined in my dictionary, and I like the clarity.

But I confess that truth is not always so clear in my own heart and mind.

This week, we have been cleaning out our garage. Buried deep in old bins and on shelves laced with spider webs, we have uncovered some very important things we had forgotten about. We also realized that some totally unnecessary things had ended up taking prime space in the most visible and easy to reach parts of our storage system (if you can call it that).

When I try to focus on things that are true, my brain sometimes feels like my disorganized garage. Some of the most important truths that my heart needs to access are buried deep and hard to get to. Unreliable emotions and perceptions get the prime spot–taking up far too much room and blocking the way.

In order to focus on what is true, I need to get rid of the clutter and reorganize my space.

I need to place the promises of God in the most accessible parts of my heart and mind.

I need to see them and hold onto them every day:

God is good.

He created us for a purpose.

He loves us so much that he sent his Son to die in our place, forgiving us completely.

His Word is alive and eternal.

He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

He has placed his Holy Spirit inside our hearts to help us.

He will never fail us or leave us alone.

He frees us to live abundant, joyful, victorious lives now and forever with him.

Invite Him In

Try giving only the true things the front and center place in your heart and mind. Ask Jesus to help you every single time you are unsure or upset or undone by reminding you of his faithful promises, his unconditional love, and his lasting truth.