The Gift of Jesus - ADVENT Week 4
noun: existence, animation, essence; vitality of spirit
“Jesus said, ‘I am the Road, also the Truth, also the Life. No one gets to the Father apart from me.’” John 14:6
God sees:
His distracted, unsure kids. Trying to handle things ourselves, spending time and energy on things that never satisfy, and searching on Google more than seeking him.
God knows:
We can’t see the whole picture right now. But he can. And he wants us to know that experiencing the real life he gives is simpler than we sometimes make it. He reminds us that he is our guide all the way to the joy-filled rooms he has prepared for us in Heaven. And while we are navigating this maze of our lives on earth? We can trust his Word to clear our confusion and calm our fears.
God gives:
In the Old Testament, God breathed life into every living thing and surprised his people with endless mercy and faithful love. He kept his promises, rewarding those who lifted their eyes and hearts to him.
In the New Testament, Jesus came to us as a fragile baby. He knew rejection, frustration, pressure, anticipation, exhaustion, and everything else we struggle with today. And he lived with deep peace and joy and purpose, because he knew the end of the story.
“You don’t have to wait for the End. I am, right now, Resurrection and Life. The one who believes in me, even though he or she dies, will live.” John 11:25
Thank you, God, for giving us everything we need by coming close to us then, now, and forever.
Thank you for giving us Jesus.