The Gift of Jesus - ADVENT Week 2
noun: a climbing or trailing woody-stemmed plant, usually of the grape family
“I am the Real Vine and my Father is the Farmer.” John 15:1
God sees:
His lonely, helpless kids. Trying to do life on our own. Sometimes wondering if our efforts are noticed or if we even matter.
God knows:
We can’t do anything apart from him. All of the beauty, the truth, the compassion, and the creativity that he has placed in us comes alive when his spirit flows in. His energy fuels ours, and we will grow and thrive if we live in this healthy dependence on him.
God gives:
In the Old Testament, God planted his people in the land he had prepared for them. He didn’t leave them alone to grow alone. He was, and is, a vigilant gardener with his knees and hands in the soil–watering, pruning, and perfecting his fruit for the harvest.
In the New Testament, Jesus makes a place for everyone. He grafts the tiny, fragile shoots of each one of us into his everlasting vine of love and life. He invites us to abide here in this place of closeness and connection to him.
“Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me.” John 15:4
Thank you, God, that we matter to you.
You plant us and grow us and give us a home in you.
Thank you for giving us Jesus.