The Gift of Jesus - ADVENT Week 1

noun: food made of flour, water, and yeast mixed together and baked; sustenance

“I am the Bread of Life. The person who aligns with me hungers no more and thirsts no more, ever.” John 6:35

God sees:

His hurting, hungry kids. Desperate for something that will fill our empty places. Always worrying about getting what we need for today and having enough for tomorrow.

God knows:

Nothing on this planet will ever satisfy us completely. No amount of food, possessions, attention, or comforts can fill our hearts the way that Jesus can.

God gives:

In the Old Testament, he provided manna–a brand new kind of bread–to the Israelites in the wilderness. Every morning they received a fresh supply of just enough as they learned to rely on his faithfulness.

In the New Testament, he broke bread with people just like us. Sick people, discouraged people, fearful people, ashamed and lonely and tired. He welcomed them to his table and changed their lives with his love. And when his time on earth came to an end, he willingly sacrificed his body to be broken like bread in place of ours.

“The Bread of God came down out of heaven and is giving life to the world.” John 6:33

Thank you, God, for giving us everything we could possibly need.

Our lives and our hearts are forever held in your loving hands.

Thank you for giving us Jesus.

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