noun: the point or place at which something is provided; source
“Each of us is now a part of his resurrection body, refreshed and sustained at one fountain–his Spirit–where we all come to drink.” 1 Corinthians 12:13
“Have you had enough water today?”
My husband might be just a little tired of hearing me ask him that question. But I will continue to repeat myself because being hydrated is so critical to good health. Our bodies really struggle when we don’t get enough water. Our heads ache, our energy levels drop, and we don’t think very clearly. Even worse, the negative effects of dehydration on our internal organs can become serious extremely fast.
The scary thing is that sometimes we don’t realize what is happening because we don’t even feel thirsty. Or maybe we do realize that we are thirsty, but water is not available. Either way, when we finally get to take that first precious sip of cool, clear water; we immediately start to feel like we are going to be okay.
And it happens to our spirits as well.
We often forget to drink the living water that God so graciously offers us. We start to get spiritually dehydrated–ignoring the aching of our hearts, the discouragement in our souls, and the unclear thoughts that confuse and deceive us. We tend to just keep trudging along until something brings us to our knees.
And that’s where we find the fountain of His Spirit.
His life-giving Spirit. A well of overwhelming love and mercy. Our constant, faithful, ever-flowing source of all we need to refresh and sustain us.
Refresh us?
When we come to his fountain, the Holy Spirit pours into us a brand-new supply of his grace and power. Our energy and hope revive as we allow him to wash over our hearts, our bodies, and our minds. This refreshing of his spirit brings us back to a place of closeness to him where we can experience his deep peace and lasting joy.
Sustain us?
The Holy Spirit brings us exactly what we need. Everything our bodies and souls could possibly require can be found in him. He is ready to fill us and equip us for the challenges of today as well as those ahead. As we continue to drink in this holy nourishment, he infuses us with unlimited energy and renews our motivation to keep going.
We don’t have to wait until our souls are drying up. The good news is that we are welcome every day–every moment– to drink freely from his fountain of life.
Invite Him In
Have you had enough Jesus today? Whether you feel thirsty or not, you probably need some more. Stop to drink from his fountain of unconditional love several times a day, and you will find all of the strength and hope you need.