“…I am the world’s Light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in.” John 8:12
Plenty feels good, comfortable. Having a lot of something we need or want allows us to relax and rest. Some of us grew up with plenty, and some of us grew up with barely enough. My family lived in the middle–lots of hard work, careful savings, and a few special vacations.
But we knew a family up the street that fell into the “plenty” category. While both parents worked full-time at high paying jobs, my sister and I took care of their kids. They had several televisions, fancy cars, the latest toys, and expensive snacks. We were very impressed.
It might seem silly, but what I remember the most vividly is the cabinets in their bathrooms and kitchen. Before warehouse stores were even a thing, their cabinets were always full. This family was stocked up with enough food and supplies for months–toothpaste, soap, paper towels, cereal, canned goods, soda, and so much more. Being able to purchase so much ahead of time seemed like quite a luxury to me.
We all want this. We want to feel like we are going to be okay. But no matter what amount of stuff we have or don’t have, we can be reassured that as followers of Jesus, we have plenty.
For every single thing we could possibly need, he has more than enough.
When we feel like we might have used up all of the grace he could possibly give?
We can run to his heart. There we discover the endless supply of forgiveness and renewal that he has for us. We can return again and again, and his precious grace never runs out.
When we don’t have an ounce of energy, patience, hope, or motivation left?
We can run to his heart. The joy that comes from depending on him provides us unlimited spiritual strength to trust him and to do hard things. He will fill us up as many times as we need.
When we wonder if there is love enough for all of us?
We can run to his heart. It is so full of this overwhelming love that it’s spilling out everywhere. There is more than enough to soothe every single cry.
When deep darkness casts its shadow over our world?
We can run to his heart. The light he shines is powerful, life-changing, healing, surprising, and lasting.
And there is plenty…
Jesus tells us that he is our light. He is light that reminds us of the truth. He is light that reveals good and right and beauty. He is so much light that when stay close to him, we won’t have to stumble around in the darkness.
Stand firm: Go ahead–open the door to the abundance of light that Jesus is showering upon you. You will never have to worry about him running out of grace or hope or peace or strength or love. God will give you everything you need–and plenty of it.