Nothing Can Separate Us

“And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow–not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.” Romans 8: 38-39 NLT

Absolutely nothing?

Nothing can get between God’s love and us?

But stuff does seem to get in the way. Sometimes it feels like the roadblocks between God’s heart and ours are too big, too scary, too powerful, too impossible to overcome.

A confusing relationship. A financial struggle. A regrettable choice. An unexpected loss. Past or current abuse, mistrust, busy-ness, and doubt. 

These do block our way… if we are trying to make the journey from here to Him.  

But that’s not the direction of His love.  

God’s love comes toward us.

He comes to us, not the other way around. His fierce, relentless love persists right through our every doubt, our setbacks, our losses, and our shame. He is determined to love us through anything, in everything, no matter what we are in the middle of. His love is forever, and He never, ever gives up.

Hold on to Jesus~

Thank Him for the kind of love that breaks through anything to get to you. Ask Him to help you to believe that He is able to keep you close no matter what is trying to get in the way. Let Him surround you with this love that is stronger than anything you have ever known.

What roadblocks do you need Him to break through as he makes His way to your heart right now?