entering (transitive verb): going into, becoming an active participant in
into (preposition): indicating entry, introduction, or insertion
“Doing things for God is the opposite of entering into what God does for you…” Galatians 3:11
It’s the opposite?
But I’m trying to do all these things “for” Jesus. Living right, sharing him with others, studying his word and praying–aren’t I supposed to be working hard at these?
I really do believe that God recognizes and acknowledges our human attempts to do things for him. And that he can work through us in ways we might not ever imagine. But I am learning, especially lately, that our God who created the universe doesn’t depend on our work to accomplish his. Not one tiny bit.
So we stand on the shore of this vast ocean of faith-life and wonder what we are supposed to do.
My Mom and her sisters would say we should get “ducked.” This was their funny term for going into the water all the way up to their necks. (Any deeper and, well, their hair would get messed up). My childhood summer days were spent swimming with my siblings and cousins at our grandparents’ beach cabin. We splashed and raced and floated and dove for shells or pennies in the salt-water of the bay and in their sparkling in-ground pool. We would hear our moms ask each other: “Did you get ducked yet?” or “Are you going to get ducked?”
They didn’t ever have to ask me.
Being in the water was my happy place. I felt energized, weightless, creative, and free. My grandpa would tease me that I was part fish because I was often the first one in and the last one out–reluctant and disappointed to have to dry off and head home.
Maybe that’s what it is supposed to be like.
When we are in the water, everything just feels different. Our bodies are surrounded by swirls of soft, temperate, soothing liquid. We are buoyant, supported, part of something much larger than ourselves. We are fully immersed in something incredibly powerful, yet peaceful at the same time.
So maybe our life with Jesus is as simple as “getting ducked”–getting all the way into what he is doing. He is inviting us to be part of it all, to participate and share in the amazing work of his spirit on this earth.
Maybe instead of being bound and weighed down by expectations and things we feel responsible for, he is asking us to soak in his rest, his grace, his faithfulness.
Maybe instead of working so hard to check off all the things we think we are supposed to do, we can playfully jump in and enjoy his gifts of hope and grace and joy.
Maybe instead of relying on our own strength and human efforts, we can trust in the overwhelming waves of love and power and protection that he continually carries us on.
Jesus is inviting us to simply enter in, to become a part of what he is already doing…
Invite Him in:
Find your happy place, your purpose in Jesus. Tell him that you are ready to jump in to this world of trust and wonder and rest. Ask him to be close as you swim and float and splash and dive deep. He will accomplish his work in you as you immerse yourself completely in who he is and how he loves. It is all up to him.