Not an April Fool's Day Post


Some of you know how absolutely terrified I was to attend my first meeting of the Northwest Christian Writers Association in March of 2016. My stomach was in knots as I made my way into the church wondering what in the world I was doing calling myself a “writer”. What I trusted, though, is that God was walking in there with me. I was absolutely convinced of that when a wonderful woman named Peggy sat down beside me and gave me a warm and encouraging welcoming hug.

That same spring, I attended my first Writers Conference put on by NCWA. That year we met in person in Bellevue for the annual Renewal Conference. Even though I was nervous, I was prepared. I registered for the full two days of the Northwest Christian Writers Renewal Conference, made editorial appointments, read The Christian Writer's Coach: How to Get the Most Out of a Writers Conference[1], and packed my computer bag with my freshly edited manuscript and a brand-new box of business cards. I researched the editors that I was going to meet with, and practiced my pitch. I prayed. I called my husband from the parking lot more than once. I felt like such a rookie.

But right away I felt welcome. Every person I talked to was so welcoming and kind. The workshops, the editorial appointments, the speakers, and the lunchtime conversations were so incredibly helpful and interesting. It’s hard to believe, but I’m finding that every year that I attend, all the things I love about it just keep getting better! Not only is it a time to joyfully connect (and reconnect) with other Christian authors, but it a rich time of teaching and learning and growth in the craft of writing.

The following spring, at the 2017 Renewal Conference, I met with Terry Glaspey from Harvest House. He loved my blog idea and eventually offered me a contract for Just One Word: 90 Devotions to Invite Jesus In which was published in 2018. I will be forever grateful for that 15-minute editorial appointment that changed my life.

This year, the NCWA Renewal Conference will be held online. And guess what? I have been asked to be on the faculty! I am presenting two workshops about writing devotions. And Mary DeMuth is the keynote speaker! I still can’t believe this is happening.

So…if you are a writer or a reader that loves Christian books, would you consider joining us this year on May 21 and 22? I would love to see you in a Zoom session! You might be as surprised as I was at what God has in store!

Here is the link to find out more: 2021 Northwest Christian Writers Renewal

[1] Northwest Christian Writers Association, The Christian Writer’s Coach: How to Get the Most Out of a Writers Conference (Woodinville, WA: Northwest Christian Writers Association, 2013).

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