adj: in good spirits, dispelling gloom or worry 

“Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder.” Romans 12:11-12

I started texting the word “no.” My wonderful friend was encouraging me to apply for a teaching position at a brand-new school.  When it came time to request an interview, I panicked.

I didn’t want to leave my school. I had been there for 28 years and loved the community. I was starting to teach the children of some of my former students, and my connection with them was strong. What if I didn’t like the new district? What about my friends, my connections, my seniority, and the security I felt where I was?

“N…” I started to reply but couldn’t bring myself to type the next letter. I had felt God’s tug on my heart two months earlier when I drove by the construction site of the new school and found myself turning in to the parking lot. I had wrestled a bit with him as I prayed about the possibility of teaching there. I was excited, but mostly I was terrified. Fear tends to overpower any “good spirits” I might feel when anticipating something new. I ended up nervously promising God that I would walk through any doors he opened in this situation.

And I’m so grateful that I remembered that promise and changed my text to “Yes.” The goodbyes were extremely hard, but the gifts he has brought to me through this job change have been incredible. Wonderful new friends and colleagues, weekly Bible studies after school, all kinds of new learning and inspiration, and growth opportunities that I could never have imagined.

With a God like this, we don’t have to be afraid of new or different. With him by our side, we can move through this life with expectant hearts–no matter how challenging it is likely to be.

We get to be cheerfully expectant. 

Does that mean that Jesus expects us to just fake it through the hard changes–smiling our way through them and acting like everything is fine?

No, but it does mean that he guarantees us hope–his real and eternal promise of lasting joy. Because we are his, we are assured of all his promises, his presence, and his good. We can expect his gifts whether the changes are expected or not, difficult or smooth, rewarding or disappointing. As we walk through the twists and turns of this life, he will be faithful. He will surprise us with his powerful, unique gifts of freedom and redemption and growth.


Ask Jesus to help you through the changes and uncertainties of your life. He can reassure you that he is right here with you, and that he has overcome the evil in this world. He will walk into new situations with you, he will calm your fears, and he will bring beauty and good and hope. Let’s trust him as we look forward–cheerfully expectant–to what he is going to do.