verb: to pass out of existence or notice, to cease to be visible

If you see some brother or sister in need and have the means to do something about it but turn a cold shoulder and do nothing, what happens to God’s love? It disappears. And you made it disappear. 1 John 3:17

When a magician makes something “disappear” right in front of us, it is hard to believe our eyes, isn’t it? Something that was visible is suddenly not. How does that happen?

This chapter in John’s first letter to us teaches us about how to love. He points us to Jesus and his sacrificial, unselfish love for every single person. He reminds us that God’s kind of love is not just saying that we love people in general, but demonstrating that we love every individual person.

Even when they have nothing to offer to us.

Especially then.

A friend recently shared with me her compassion for people who live on the streets. It breaks her heart when people judge them and disregard them. One of her favorite things to do is to take brand-new pairs of men’s jeans to the shelter. She told me that for someone who has nothing, putting on a never-been-worn item of clothing makes a huge difference in their sense of dignity and self-worth.

As we talked about how much every single person matters, we both thought of Jesus. We talked about how he would have treated homeless people who sat along his path, hurting and hungry. He would have stopped for sure, and shown real, genuine interest in each one. He might have even invited them to share a meal or to come and join him in his work.

What we know, for sure, is that his love would have been tangible. Visible. Evident. It would have appeared–not disappeared–when he came by.

And I wonder if I have done the opposite.

When I have driven past, looked the other way, and judged people unfairly?

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When I have held back the good things I could have shared, the kind words I might have said, the forgiveness I needed to offer?

Did I somehow make the love of Jesus disappear?  

“This is how we’ve come to understand and experience love: Christ sacrificed his life for us. This is why we ought to live sacrificially for our fellow believers, and not just be out for ourselves.” 1 John 3:16

This is how I want to love.

My conversation with my new-jeans friend gave me this simple idea:

I now keep a small box of water bottles in my car.  One for the veteran holding a sign on the corner by the store. One for the guy under the tarp at the freeway entrance. And one for the lady walking down the sidewalk pushing a grocery cart that contains everything she owns.

Tied onto each water bottle a tag reads, “You Matter,” with Isaiah 41:17 written out.

And I pray that instead of making Jesus’ love disappear–which I have been guilty of time and time again–that this tiny act will do the opposite.

Right before our eyes.

Invite Him In

Stand in his outpouring of sacrificial love and let it fill you to overflowing. There is more than enough for you and for everyone in your life. If you ask him for simple ways to share his unconditional love today, you can absolutely count on him to make it appear.