noun: an affirmative expression, an answer that shows
acceptance or agreement, a vote of support
“…God’s Yes and our Yes together, gloriously evident. God affirms us, making us a sure thing in Christ, putting his Yes within us.” 2 Corinthians 1:20-21
Yes. It’s usually a fun word, a positive one. When someone says “yes,” it can be a cause for celebration. Or at the very least a smile of relief.
I picture Jesus (and all of Heaven) celebrating like crazy every time someone comes to him believing in his power to save and redeem them. Every time someone says YES to a new life with him.
I remember so clearly how it felt when I first said yes to Jesus. I was so excited, but scared too. I felt like I was giving up control of my life to this God that I wanted to trust but couldn’t see. I believed that he was good and kind and that he loved me.
But still…
It reminded me of swimming lessons as a kid. I loved them so much. Each time this incredible sense of anticipation would build up inside of me until the last five minutes of the lesson. It was “freetime,” and the high diving board was open. It was probably only ten feet high, but in my six-year-old mind, it was 100 feet up at least. I would hold my breath as my bare feet pressed into the wet, sandpaper-y surface of the diving board. Each step closer to the edge caused it (and me) to waver more and more. But the exhilaration of flying into the air, the warmth and fun of splashing into the water, and the sense of strength and confidence that came with each jump kept me climbing that ladder over and over again.
Jumping off the high dive turned out to be my favorite thing about learning how to swim. And saying “yes” to Jesus has been my favorite thing about being in a relationship with him. It is so worth it to take the leaps of faith that he leads us to. The more we say yes to him, the more we discover all the ways that he loves us, and the more we experience him working things together for his good,
He asks us to say yes to:
finding a few minutes of quiet to just be with him, to read his word and get to know him better
reaching out in love and forgiveness even when it’s really hard
being open to new opportunities–including the ones we don’t even know if we want
staying true to our convictions despite incredible pressure to blend in
surrendering the things that keep us from growing closer to him
Why would we not say yes?
Because sometimes those things are just plain terrifying. The diving board seems so high that we can’t even see the water below. And we convince ourselves that we are pretty comfortable right where we are…
I have said no plenty of times. Or I have just not answered at all. Sigh. But I’m learning that God knows us so much better than we know ourselves. And that his plans are truly the best for us and for his kingdom. He only asks us to say yes to the things that really matter. And it’s so fulfilling and amazing when we actually do.
Let’s invite Him in: Go ahead and jump in to God’s yes. He has so many wonderful things prepared for you. You don’t have to be afraid of what he has in mind. Because the most reassuring thing about saying YES to God, is that he has already said YES to you. You can be confident and rest in the knowledge that you are affirmed by him, a sure thing in Christ… You have his “vote of support” for the rest of your life.