adj: made fit for a particular purpose; created, planned

“Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful in one way or another–showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.” 2 Timothy 3:16-1

“Shape up.”

Those were words of warning when I was a testy teenager that meant change your behavior or attitude for the better. We don’t use that phrase too much these days, but here it is in the Bible.

 Through God’s word we are “shaped up” for the tasks God has for us.

 I don’t think Paul is scolding us here. I believe he is encouraging us. He’s telling us that God’s word is a gift to us–a needed, precious, and unlimited gift that has the power to help us live connected to him for the rest of our lives.

 So how does the word of God “shape us up” for what he wants to do in and through us?

God uses his word to speak to us lovingly, specifically, and masterfully. He wrote to us with purpose and promise and a clear vision of who he created us to be.

 As we are growing up physically, mentally, and spiritually, we can trust that God is shaping us. He created us with magnificent form–our bodies, our minds, our personalities, and our characters. And now he is making us fit to do his work. The plan that he has for each one of us is unique–perfectly matched to the way he has made us.

 A little more here, a little less there.

 No to this, but yes to something else.

Lots of patience needed for this part, and eventually it will be beautiful. 

Back to this stubborn piece again–needs a little more work.

 And what about the really challenging parts of our lives?

God knows what to do.

He finds a way to work our bad experiences, our unanswered questions, and our worst mistakes into the shaping up. He is the expert sculptor who can take an ordinary–or seemingly impossible–lump of clay and transform it into a masterpiece.  As we experience success and failure, rest and work, amazing and awful, easy and hard; he holds us together with his truth and light and love.

 We have to remember that he knows what he is doing in us.

Through his word.

For his work.  


Will you let Jesus shape you up? He has a beautiful plan for your life. He designed you with love, and he promises to make you fit for the path ahead of you. Put your willing heart into his capable, creative, caring hands; and trust his work.