Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

 Matthew 11:28 NIV 


    rest (noun): peace of mind or spirit; quiet, stillness, repose

Rest is a complicated word for some of us. I wish it was as simple as a slow morning, a spa day, a quiet weekend, or a sweet nap surrounded by cozy pillows and warm blankets.

But I’m pretty sure Jesus wasn’t talking about sleep in this verse, even though almost everyone I know struggles to get enough. And I don’t think Jesus was necessarily talking about facials or pedicures or vacations either. Sometimes those are a welcome respite, but often we are too tired or busy to even make those happen.

So what does Jesus promise us when he says, “I will give you rest?”

The next two verses say:

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:29-30.

I believe that Jesus knows the pressure we feel as we try to do everything we are supposed to, and that the yoke we wear feels awfully heavy sometimes.

Like he does so often, Jesus surprises us here by turning the whole idea of a yoke on its head. He uses this symbol of something worn by animals or humans being forced to work, and invites us to put one on. But the yoke that he has for us is not a bulky one. Not a forced one. Not a lonely one.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me

He offers to partner with us, to work beside us and share our burdens. There is something he will teach us here in this hard ground we are struggling through.

For I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls

He isn’t a taskmaster forcing us to do a bunch of hard things or add to our list of obligations. He sees what we are dealing with and is moved by compassion to protect and comfort us in our weariness.

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light

The reason it feels easy and light? I like to think that Jesus is talking about a double yoke here. I picture him on one side, me on the other. Rather than burdening us with more expectations, Jesus is offering to shoulder the load for us–giving us the kind of relief and rest our souls are desperate for.

Dear Jesus, thank you for inviting me to wear your yoke. I need you to walk right beside me, to work through things with me, and to teach me. Help me to really rest in your love today. Amen.



Jesus knows what is weighing heavy on you. He knows every single thing that you need to do, and he knows every single reason your soul is worn out. He is offering you support and rest in the midst of all these things. Will you surrender your load to him today?