Prep: a function word to indicate location or position
“The mystery in a nutshell is just this: Christ is in you, so therefore you can look forward to sharing in God’s glory.” Colossians 1:27 MSG
It used to be a secret–God’s great plan, his ultimate purpose. But by sending Jesus, he generously let all of us in on it. Our backgrounds, our religious experience, our titles–they don’t matter to God one bit.
He welcomes everyone to share in His glory.
Sometimes it is hard to picture that. Everyone sharing in his glory? I imagine an aura of light, a halo of gold, majesty and splendor with harps and choirs singing all around.
I don’t know about you, but I kind of hope it’s more than that. And from what I’ve learned about him so far, I’m really counting on it.
It excites me to know that God’s glory is not limited by time or place or even by imagination. It is far above and beyond anything we can think of, and yet it is in us right now.
In me. In you. In our ordinariness.
When Jesus breathes his Holy Spirit into us, his glory shows up in our regular lives.
· He fills us with his peace and strength to overcome our fears.
· He gives us his love and patience in difficult relationships.
· He pours over us his forgiveness when we feel we’ve gone too far.
· He restores our joy even in the depths of grief.
· He energizes us with his invitation to follow him in a life of adventurous love.
· And he sustains us with his peaceful, grace-filled presence.
Because he is IN us, we get to really, deeply know him and be known by him.
And we get to look forward to becoming more like him as he faithfully finishes the work he began in our hearts.
We can be sure of this.
He lives in us, his glory is real, and we don’t have to keep it to ourselves...
Thank him for letting you in on his wondrous secret. Ask him to reveal more and more of his glory to you and through you today. His Spirit is already in you, helping you and giving you everything you need to share this good news.