adj: marked by greatness in size or degree; transcending ordinary means of measurement, boundless

“Instead, immense in mercy and with incredible love, he embraced us.” Ephesians 2:5

I have this verse placed where I can’t help but see it several times each day. It never gets old– this reminder of the incomprehensible way that God loves us. Sometimes when I read these words, I take a deep breath of relief and joy. And other times, my heart skips a beat; and I’m stopped in my tracks.

Because this verse doesn’t tell us that God has to reach deep down and find in his heart just enough mercy to be able to look at us without contempt. Or that he has to struggle to muster up some tiny amount of grace to be able to tolerate us.


Instead of giving us just a little bit of his goodness and forgiveness, God gives us everything in his heart. Immense mercy. Incredible love. Gifts marked by greatness that transcend our ordinary means of measurement.

Immense in mercy.

God’s big, huge, boundless mercy looks a lot different than our human way of measuring might imagine. It is marked by greatness–in size and in degree–and our limited brains get blown wide-open when we try to understand it.

When we are desperate for a drop, he pours out oceans of life-giving water.

When we hope for just a crumb, he offers loaves upon loaves of the bread that sustains us.

When we deserve a heavy punishment, he takes our burdens on himself and frees us to run and play.

With incredible love.

When we only see our flaws and failures, he reminds us that in our weakness his power is made perfect.

When we feel unworthy, he puts a crown on our head and calls us his precious children.

When we get overwhelmed and afraid, he takes our hand and goes before us, determined to give us the victory.

He embraced us.

We are all his prodigal kids. Sometimes we run away and try to do life on our own terms. We make big mistakes and learn the hard way that everything we ever needed is in Jesus. And when we find our way home, prepared to try to work our way back into his good graces, we get something completely unexpected. We get a running welcome, a joyful celebration, and a hug that lifts us off our feet and almost takes our breath away.

Invite Him In

Thank Jesus for his boundless way of loving and redeeming you. You can run into his arms right now and be wrapped in his overwhelming mercy and comfort. Instead of weak and guilty and alone, you are strong and forgiven and cherished. Immensely.