“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19-20 ESV 

PROMISE KEYWORD    way (noun): a passage cleared for travel, a route, an opening


Do you not perceive it?

Me either sometimes.

That’s why this promise is so important. We can’t always see or understand what God is doing. But this is a promise that we can absolutely hold on to when we are in the confusing wilderness or the dry and discouraging desert experiences of this life.

The wilderness. Are you in there?

Are you the one helplessly watching everything you have worked for fall apart?

Are you the one exhausted from worry about your kids, your parents, your future?

Are you the one who has somehow found yourself in too deep without any options left? 

The desert. Do you feel empty?

Do you feel like you are crumbling behind the scenes while you try to hold it all together?

Do you feel like nobody appreciates or even notices the work you so faithfully do?

Do you feel hope draining as your earnest prayers seem to go unanswered?

These places are not foreign to God.

He knows the wilderness and the desert better than we do. He knows exactly where we are, and how we feel when we are in there. He knows how to lead us through and lead us out. He alone knows the way.

He reminds us in a few earlier verses:

“I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea. I called forth the mighty army of Egypt with all its chariots and horses. I drew them beneath the waves, and they drowned…But forget all that–it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.” Isaiah 43:16-18 NLT

So, we can look ahead: What might God be up to in this wilderness of despair and overwhelm? Where does his power and love show up? What good outcome could possibly be on the other side of this?

And we can look behind: How has God provided for me before? What places of refreshment has God already carved into my long days, my stressful schedule, my overwhelming weeks? What is true about how he takes care of me?

Then, with a glimmer of hope, we can look ahead again, confident that our God will keep his promise to his people. He will never, ever leave us alone. And He always makes a way.

Dear Jesus, will you meet me where I am right now? I need you to lead me out of this place. I am hopeful and grateful that you are doing something new, and that you want to refresh me. Please help me to trust your way, even though I cannot see it yet.


God will make a way for us.

Look for his guidance and provision all through today. He will walk with you as he shows you the path and the rivers of refreshment he has created just for you.