For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  2 Corinthians 3:17 NLT

PROMISE KEYWORD free (adj): not restricted, obstructed, or impeded; no longer confined

If you have been to Disneyland, you might understand why it is called the “happiest place on earth.”

I’ve been dreaming about going back to the Magic Kingdom. My memories of happy Disney visits range from my first experience as a five-year-old all the way to our most recent trip with our college-aged sons. There are things I count on to feel the same every time: the rising anticipation as we step through the turnstiles, the upbeat music pumping through the speakers on Main Street, the cool air and echoing sounds of the rides, and the delicious warm smells of cinnamon-sugar churros and buttery popcorn wafting up from old-fashioned carts.

Change is also a constant at Disneyland, and that is part of the fun. New “lands” and attractions are added, old rides are renovated, and systems for organizing lines and managing crowds evolve with technology.

Some of us remember that Disney attraction tickets were sold in books in the early years, and rides were categorized by their popularity. Each book contained a few tickets for each type of ride. I remember my Mom trying to organize the tickets in the morning and making a careful plan to use the “E” tickets sparingly. Those were for the best rides–the ones we wanted to do the most. Once the tickets were gone, we were done for the day.

There was some stress that came along with this rationing, this limiting, this feeling of not enough. The worry about running out of “E” tickets loomed all day. What a HUGE difference it made when Disneyland did away with the ticket books and made all the rides available and unlimited to all who paid the one-time fee to enter the park. Such freedom!

Doesn’t this sound a little bit like what Jesus did for us?

Didn’t he do away with limiting laws so that we could approach him personally with repentant hearts instead of through burnt offerings and high priests? Didn’t he pay a one-time price for us to fully experience a grace and mercy-filled relationship with him? Didn’t he free us from the pressure of trying to earn his love and forgiveness?

I feel like I used to respond with a ticket-book mentality to God. The rules. My sins. His laws are so hard to follow. I only have a limited amount of chances. What if I mess up too many times? What if use up all my good tickets?

Jesus replaced the old rules with a new way of experiencing God. He gave each one of us our own unique, fulfilling, adventurous relationship with our Creator and Savior. And he didn’t leave us to figure this out on our own. He graciously filled us with his Holy Spirit to guide us through this Kingdom life.

We will never run out of him.

Dear Jesus, Thank you for sending your Spirit to free us. Help us to live in response to your love, not to limits and laws that hold us hostage. You already paid the highest price, and you want us to richly experience your power and love. Thank you that life with you is infinitely better than the best day at Disneyland. Amen.



Can you let Jesus bring freedom today? Whatever is binding you up right now, ask his Spirit to surround and fill you. Reach out your hand and trust him to walk you through the gate, break down the bars, or wrestle you out of the grip of whatever is keeping you from experiencing an unlimited closeness to him. He wants to and he will.