Keyword CALM adj: free from emotional or mental agitation; tranquil
Your God is present among you, a strong Warrior there to save you. Happy to have you back, he’ll calm you with his love and delight you with his songs. Zephaniah 3:17 MSG
It sounds so nice, doesn’t it?
Free from agitation. Tranquil. Calm.
When do we get to feel like that?
It seems like we are busy, worried, and stressed so much of the time. Even when we finally get a chance to relax with a quiet day or a vacation, our anxiety tries to come along too.
This is when we need to remember where our peace comes from.
Our God is present.
He is fighting to save us.
He is happy to have us back.
He will calm us with his love.
Let’s take a deep breath and soak in these truths.
Present. He is permanently here. He is not only right beside us, but he is actually inside our hearts. We can’t get away from him even if we bury our heads under our blankets and hide. He is sticking with us, committed with all of his heart, and he isn’t going anywhere.
A strong warrior. He is actively fighting. He’s a mighty warrior who is on our side. He is infinitely powerful and determined to save us. He is more than able to take charge of the battles we are facing, and he will win.
Happy to have us back. He is truly delighted. This is what he created us to do–to simply be with him. He loves just hanging out with us. We don’t have to work hard to enjoy his presence. All we have to do is open our hearts and minds to what he has for us.
He calms us. He meets our deepest needs. Not with advice, not with reminders, not with suggestions, but with true compassion. He wraps us up in his loving arms, he sings over us, he looks at us with his warm, caring eyes and reassures us of his love.
We don’t have to be in a calm situation to feel calm. We might be in the middle of a frustrating work situation. We might be struggling in a relationship. We might be waiting for a phone call with possible life-altering results. We might be surrounded by the constant noise and needs of little ones with hardly a moment to ourselves. But the peace that Jesus covers us with is rich with tenderness and strength. He can gently sing over us and valiantly fight for us at the same time–revealing his never-ending love that pierces right through everything that threatens our hearts.
He is with us right now, keeping us protected and close to him. His delight in us is genuine. We can settle calmly in his arms–even in the heat of the battle. If we listen carefully, we might even hear him singing.
He’s got us.
Dear Jesus, can we just sit with you for a moment? Thank you that you smile as we come into your presence. You are fighting for us, and we can trust you to take care of every single thing that worries us right now. Thank you for your calm and powerful spirit of love. Amen.