adj: filled with fear or apprehension; alarmed, frightened, scared
But when (Peter) saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink cried out, “Lord, save me!”
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him… Matthew 14:30-31 NIV
But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!”
It seems like Jesus had to say this often. So did almost every angel who greeted someone with a message from God. Hmmm. Seems like those of us who live with fear and anxiety are in good company.
One of our companions in this struggle is the relatable disciple Peter.
Peter in the boat.
In this story, Jesus is walking on the water through a terrible storm toward his disciples in a boat. This has all the makings of a panic situation–an unexpected, dangerous storm with a ghost-like figure approaching.
Where is Jesus? Is that him? I’m not sure…
Peter stepping out of the boat.
Peter and the other disciples become convinced that it is Jesus, and that he doesn’t seem one bit worried about the strong winds or the crashing waves. So Peter asks Jesus to call him to walk on the water too. When Jesus does, Peter gets out of the boat and begins to walk to Jesus. He is doing fine until he takes his eyes off of Jesus and focuses on the storm.
I’m trying to be brave, but these waves are so high. And this wind is out of control!
Peter back in the boat.
Jesus reaches out his hand to Peter and saves him from drowning. They both get into the boat, as Jesus calms the storm and Peter.
Whew. That was crazy, huh? I actually walked on the water for a few steps. But then I didn’t see Jesus anymore. I started going under, and Jesus had to catch me…
Me in my storm.
I am starting to panic. This is a bad one. Is that Jesus coming toward me? Or is that a ghost– taunting me, criticizing me, making this worse?
Me stepping out of the boat.
It is Jesus! Here he comes, calling me to trust him. I step out of my panic for a moment and focus on his promises, his faithfulness, his truth. But then the wind whips and the waves pull me under, and I succumb to fear. Jesus, save me!
Me back in the boat.
Jesus catches me and saves me from drowning. Every time. Through the voice of a friend, the perfect song, a breath of fresh air, the warmth of the sun, or one of the other thousands of creative ways that he knows will calm me. Whether the storm stops or not, I am safe because he is always right there–reaching out his hand and helping me back into the boat. With him.
Are you in the middle of a storm? Trying to be brave and looking for Jesus? He is coming toward you. Nothing is too hard or too scary for him. Look past the looming waves and the fierce winds, and see him reaching out his hand. He knows what you need, and he will keep you safe.