Jesus is our ADVOCATE

A really good advocate will be an advocate plus. The plus is the personal touch–remembering to bring a bottle of their favorite flavored water, sitting to listen a few extra minutes, fighting for the best resources even when it means more work. These really good advocates make sure to leave their clients feeling dignified, known, and hopeful.

An unbelievably good advocate will do all of that plus something unimaginable.

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God SWEEPS away our sins

Every time I sweep my kitchen floor, I wonder the same thing: didn’t I just do this? How can there be this much dust/dirt/hair again already? The same thing happens at school. We sweep in the morning, and by afternoon we can fill another dustpan with crumbs, scraps, dried mud from the playground, used band-aids, and pieces of crayon. It’s disgusting.

And so is sin. God hates it. We hate it. But it keeps gathering in the corners of our minds and in the secret places of our hearts. It is hard to keep up with the messes we make.

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God will SHOW us the way

Sometimes I wish we could have a GPS for our lives. We could type in the goals we want to accomplish, and a confident, computerized voice would take us there. She would let us know ahead of time what lane to get in and where to exit. She would automatically reroute us if we took a wrong turn. She would even tell us our estimated time of arrival.

But real life is way more complicated than that. When we set out to accomplish something or get somewhere, we don’t usually hear step-by-step directions. There are multiple ways to go, and we can’t always trust our own sense of direction or the voices of others.

We need God to show us the way, and he promises that he will.

How does he do it?

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